Individual Budgeting Sessions

Individual Budgeting Sessions

Did you know that when people don’t plan and track a budget on a regular basis, they typically spend hundreds of dollars in miscellaneous untracked transactions? Can you relate? I can too, which is why I created a budget system that will help you plan your spending and start saving your coins!

Book With Me Today And I Will Help You Identify Those Transactions And Develop A Plan To Redirect That Money Into Savings And Investments.

What You Get:

Ready To Get Started?

Let’s work together to create a personalized budget plan based on your pay schedule during our 90-minute session.

Price: $99

Most clients are able to save the amount spent on this session within 1-3 paychecks due to identified miscellaneous transactions that can be reallocated towards savings.

Click the link below to schedule your session today.

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